
Palliative Care for Mental Illness: A Podcast with Dani Chammas and Brent Kious

Integrating palliative care into psychiatry or in the care of those with severe mental illness is what makes up the area of Palliative Psychiatry. This GedriPal podcast discusses the topic of Palliative Psychiatry with two experts Dani Chammas, a palliative care physician and psychiatrist, as well as Brent Kious, a psychiatrist who focuses on the management of severe persistent mental illnesses. Some of the specific areas covered include the following:

What is Palliative Psychiatry and how is it different from Palliative Care Psychiatry, what does it look like to take a palliative approach to severe mental illness, is hospice appropriate for people with serious mental illness and does hospice have the skills to meet their needs.

Link: GeriPal Podcasts (12/2024)