October 2019 Regulatory Roundup – Upcoming Electronic Prescribing Mandates

Enclara Pharmacia’s Compliance Team works to ensure we stay abreast of regulatory changes and offer tools and resources to our clients to minimize the impact of these changes on patient care. By keeping the industry informed of legal and regulatory developments impacting hospice pharmacy practice, we help our clients adapt their practices to the constantly changing environment. Within the next few months, several state laws requiring electronic prescribing of controlled substances will take effect.

Below summarizes upcoming dates to be aware of as mandates take effect. Hospices and their prescribing partners should review the terms of these laws with local counsel to determine if the new requirements impact their practices.



Interested in learning more about the regulatory changes impacting hospice pharmacy practice? Please reach out to your designated Account Manager or contact us here. We look forward to continuing the regulatory conversation with you and your hospice.