Palliative Pearls
Methadone Conversion: Revisiting a Prior Case
This month, we revisit one of the first Palliative Pearls cases published in March 2016. We have incorporated guidance from recently published literature along with...
Palliative Management of Sweating at End-of-Life
Patient Case SL is a 66 y/o male admitted to hospice today with a primary diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Comorbid conditions include celiac disease and...
Trauma-Informed Care Awareness
As end of life approaches, many patients have endured countless hours of suffering through disease progression and intervention failures.1 It is our role as hospice...
Pulmonary Hypertension in Hospice Care
PATIENT CASE PM is a 66-year-old woman with a primary diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) (WHO functional class III), and history of scleroderma and...
Substance Use Disorder: Stigmatizing Language and Opiophobia
This month’s Palliative Pearl is an addendum to the “Substance Abuse and Pain” case posted in October 2017. INTRODUCTION In 2017, about 19.7 million Americans...
Neuropathic Pain Management in Pediatrics
PATIENT CASE KP is a 4-year-old girl with a primary diagnosis of multi-organ failure with secondary of sickle cell disease and history of hand-foot syndrome...
Achalasia Management Case
PATIENT CASE AR is a 56-year-old male admitted to hospice today with a primary diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Additional diagnoses include gastrointestinal amyloidosis (type AL)...