The Most Comprehensive Clinical Resource for Hospice NursesAn exclusive benefit for Enclara Pharmacia clients, our proprietary Medication Utilization Guidelines (MUGs) tool is a comprehensive clinical resource in the palm of your hand. Included in our E3 Pro™ mobile app and web-based platform, MUGs gives hospice clinicians instant access to pharmaceutical guidance based on patient symptoms and underlying conditions. Users can customize their MUGs experience with bookmarks and annotations.

MUGs Offers:
- Symptom look-up feature with tips on symptom presentation, etiology and assessment
- Therapy recommendations with relative cost comparisons
- Symptom-management algorithms
- Generic and brand formulary listing
- Non-formulary medication alternatives
- Medication cost index tool
- Offline access for availability anywhere
MUGs is part of our suite of clinical resources and training to support excellence in patient care.